What would a construction project be without aggregate? For one, it would not have a rock-solid foundation. And without a solid foundation, a construction project would not last very long.

Aggregate is one of those sorely underestimated elements of the infrastructure we see around us. Whether it’s a parking lot, a motorway, or the bridge you drive across every day, aggregate is a key element that holds these structures together.

Expand your knowledge of aggregates and their importance in this blog.


What Are Construction Aggregates, Anyway?

Every construction project starts off with a foundation. And for most projects, aggregate is a key material that forms this foundation. Essentially, aggregate is a type of raw material that’s used in the construction of major forms of infrastructure. From the streets we drive on, to pavements, buildings, bridges, and even the tiles we use in our homes.

Today, there are several different variations of aggregate used throughout the construction industry:

  • Crushed rock — generally metamorphic, igneous, or sedimentary rock
  • Gravel — used for constructing roads, manufacturing concrete, and for decorative purposes
  • Sand — found in nature and also used for the construction of roads and concrete manufacturing
  • Recycled concrete — used as a solid base for many construction projects due to its hardy nature

Aggregate plays a fundamental role in boosting most local economies, too. Simply because it is always in high demand due to the large variety and scale of construction projects throughout society.


The Benefits of Construction Aggregate

Aggregate materials come from local quarries, mines, deposits, and underground sediments. When it comes to construction materials, you’ll find that aggregates form the base for asphalt, concrete, and mortar.

Here’s why aggregate is so important in construction:

  1. Aggregate forms 60-75 percent of the volume of concrete. This makes it extra compact and robust. It also increases the resistance and weight-bearing property of concrete.
  2. Using aggregate to form construction materials, like concrete, significantly reduces production costs.
  3. Aggregate helps to reduce the permeability of many construction materials. In other words, these materials are far more water-resistant.
  4. Aggregate is essential in the management of heat absorption across many construction projects. Using the right type of aggregate ensures each structure does not absorb excessive amounts of heat.
  5. Finally, aggregate helps to create a more aesthetically-pleasing construction material. For example, aggregates define the colour and pattern of the tiles you use in your home or the granite countertop you choose.

It’s worth mentioning that aggregates are not only important in construction. In greater society, they assist with drainage, the control of erosion, as well as water filtration. They might not be obvious to the naked eye, but aggregates are literally the building blocks of the world we live in today.


Looking for Aggregates for Your Construction Project?

No matter the type of construction project you’re planning, aggregates should be your first and most important consideration. If you want your structure to withstand the elements, you’ll need a rock-solid foundation.

With AJ Grab Hire we offer a plethora of aggregate types for your needs, including delivery to your worksite! Learn more about what we offer, here.


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